Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vulputate posuere tortor luctus vulputate. Cras laoreet pretium blandit. Vestibulum luctus laoreet lacinia. Maecenas luctus arcu ut orci lacinia ultrices. Praesent semper porta interdum. Etiam cursus, tortor at interdum rutrum, metus nibh tincidunt purus, non tincidunt odio arcu quis erat.
Curabitur vulputate posuere tortor luctus vulputate. Cras laoreet pretium blandit. Vestibulum luctus laoreet lacinia. Maecenas luctus arcu ut orci lacinia ultrices. Etiam cursus, tortor at interdum rutrum, metus nibh tincidunt purus, non tincidunt odio arcu quis erat.
Praesent semper porta interdum. Etiam cursus, tortor at interdum rutrum, metus nibh tincidunt purus, non tincidunt odio arcu quis erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Yes, there are security camera's located throughout the school. However, parents don't have access to view them.
If you wish for your child's birthday to be celebrated you are to request for a birthday policy form in advance. The form must be read and filled out so that the teacher can properly plan for their class activities.
Rest assured that your child will be given the proper care in those situations. We always encourage parents to give their child a hug and wave goodbye. A staff will provide them with love and attention that they need.
Yes, someone else can pick up your child. You would have to contact the school to inform us of that matter. Unless, the individual is listed on your child’s emergency list. The person picking up your child must present their identification card. Please inform them about our procedures for dismissal.
Parents are to contact the school while they are in school's drive-way. Then, request for the student for dismissal and a staff member will approach your vehicle and allow you to sign the student out and the student will be brought to you.
Parents will not be permitted to enter the school. Drive up Sign-in / Drive up Sign –Out will be done in the school’s drive- way. Students age two and above are required to wear a mask that properly fits. They can only remove it for meal time, nap time, and outside. Students temperature will be taken in the car, no student will be permitted with a temperature of 100.4 F or greater or with any symptoms such as a cold (runny nose), coughing and sneezing. Keep your child home if they are sick! All classes will have different dismissal times to avoid traffic; parents will have to contact the school upon arrival. Please remain in your car to sign your child out and exit your car to receive your child (ren) upon arrival. Below you will see our dismissal schedule.
If students begin to show symptoms during school hours such as:
- Temperature greater than 100F
- Abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting
- Skin Rash or Changes in skin color
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain
- Confusion
- Both eyes appearing red
- Weakness, significant fatigue or dizziness, or is too ill to eat or drink.
You will be notified and required to pick up your child, while we will be waiting on your arrival the student will be placed in an isolated area in their classroom. If the student has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or any other variant Please be sure to notify the school if your child is diagnosed with COVID-19 or any variant so that we may notify the parents and teacher. The student must be self quarantined for 5 days or whatever is recommended by your child’s Physician. The child cannot return to school without a current test result stating that they’ve test negative. Keep in mind that you will not be responsible for half tuition payment to reserve a spot for your child.
Yes, mask is required for staff and for our students ages 2 years old and up.
Yes, all of our staff is fully vaccinated.
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